Refuelling obligation

The yearly quantity of aviation fuel uplifted per obligated aircraft operator at Union airports shall be at least 90 % of the yearly aviation fuel required.

The yearly aviation fuel required refers to the amount of fuel in tonnes that is required to operate all flights covered by the RefuelEU Aviation regulation. These are flights departing from union airports over the course of the reporting period. It includes ‘trip fuel’ and ‘taxi fuel’ defined by Annex IV to commission regulation 965/2012 (14).

In order to determine if you have achieved uplifting 90% of the yearly aviation fuel required for flights in scope of the ReFuelEU Aviation regulation, you need to keep track of and report the following per union airport:

  1. Total number of flights operated departing from the Union Airport;
  2. Total flight hours operated departing from the Union Airport;
  3. Yearly aviation fuel required;
  4. Yearly actual aviation fuel uplifted;
  5. Yearly non-tanked quantity;
  6. Yearly tanked quantity for fuel safety rules.

For guidelines on the application of the exemptions referred to in Article 5 of Regulation please refer to commission guidance available here.

A Manual for Aircraft Operators and Verification Bodies is also available on the EASA’s website.  This Manual has been developed to guide aircraft operators and verifiers on how to report and verify the data referred to in Article 8 and Annex II of the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation (RFEUA).