Reporting obligations and claiming use of SAF

By march 31st each year, obligated aircraft operators report on the quantities of uplifted fuel per union airport. The first reporting deadline is march 31st 2025 on fuel uplifted between January 1st – December 31st 2024.

In addition, information on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) purchases and where claimed must be reported. The report also includes a declaration that sustainable aviation fuel has not been double claimed in multiple greenhouse gas (GHG) schemes. Required information on SAF purchases includes:

  • Details of the fuel supplier, specific batch number and amount SAF purchased in tonnes.
  • For each batch: feedstock and lifecycle emissions, and amount claimed per GHG scheme (e.g. EU ETS, CH ETS)
Image: ©NEa / NEa
Figure 2 SAF Purchase Reporting ReFuelEU Aviation

The ReFuelEU Aviation reporting template for aircraft operators is available for download here.  EASA is working on a digital reporting tool for aircraft operators that will incorporate the reporting template. More details on the tool and practical reporting aspects will be shared at a later stage. To follow developments on the tool more information is available here.