Registering delivery of liquid biofuels

Companies that have delivered an amount of renewable liquid biofuel to the Dutch market can register this delivery in their account in the Energy for Transport Registry (Register Energie voor Vervoer, REV). In return, they will receive renewable energy units (HBEs), the quantity and type of which is determined by the type of feedstock used.

The procedure for registering deliveries of liquid biofuels to the transport market is in line with the system and principles used in the Excise Duty Act.

Conditions for registering

Proof is required that deliveries of liquid biofuels registered were delivered to the Dutch market and were also sustainable.

1. Delivery to the Dutch market
Physical delivery of the liquid biofuel must have been to the Dutch market. Liquid biofuel is typically delivered as a bio-component in a mineral oil, such as diesel or petrol. Under the Excise Duty Act, the delivery of such biofuel to the Dutch market qualifies as a taxed delivery that has been released for consumption.

2. Sustainability of the biofuel
The liquid biofuel to be registered must be sustainable and must be delivered from a physical location for which the registering company manages the mass balance of biofuels. While this location may be a private excise warehouse or the excise warehouse of a third party, it is crucial that the site the registering company uses to make the delivery from has been certified according to an accredited European voluntary scheme. In other words, the certification under the voluntary scheme used by the registering company must relate to the locations from which the delivery of the liquid biofuel is taking place.

HBE calculation

Biofuels produced from specific feedstocks are eligible for double-counting. This means that a delivery of biofuels with a physical energy content of 1 GJ will accrue 2 HBEs.

Companies that want to have a biofuel registered as double-counting in the REV must have a double-counting certificate for this biofuel in their records. This certificate proves that the double-counting has been confirmed by an independent verifier and meets the legal requirements. The verifier must be competent to perform a double-counting verification.

The double-counting certificate and the proof of sustainability used for the registration must relate to the same fuel and feedstocks.

See also: Feedstocks and double counting

Other multipliers
Deliveries of liquid biofuel to aviation and marine shipping are subject to a specific multiplier. The multiplier for deliveries to aviation is currently set at 1.2, provided these are not deliveries of a conventional biofuel. The multiplier for deliveries to marine shipping is 0.8.

BE amount = Volume
(in l15)
x Caloric value
x 2
x 0.8 or 1.2
(as maritime shipping / aviation

* For some biofuels, the Renewable Energy Directive does not specify a lower heating value. An example is refined petroleum. Where applicable, the registering company must then arrange for an ISO/IEC17025 accredited lab to establish the lower heating value of the relevant biofuel. In this case, the heated value specified must be representative of the fuel being registered. The registering company must have documentation that proves this. The lower heating value can be entered in the REV by the registering company itself. The document containing the reference data for the Energy for Transport Registry lists the lower heating values of biofuels that do have a default value in the Directive.

Registering liquid biofuels: data to be registered

When registering an amount of liquid biofuel that has been delivered, the registering company must enter the following data in the Registry:

  • the type of liquid biofuel;
  • the amount in litres at 15ºC;
  • the lower heating value (in the case of non-standard biofuels);
  • the location from which delivery took place;
  • the date or the period of the delivery;
  • the type of delivery (released for consumption or delivery under suspension of excise duty);
  • the voluntary scheme used;
  • the reference number for the proof of sustainability;
  • the feedstock(s) and country (or countries) of origin;
  • the greenhouse gas emissions factor in g CO2 eq/MJ.
  • indication of the start date of the location producing the biofuel;

In case of double-counting, the registering company will also enter the following information:

  • the number of the double counting certificate;
  • the number(s) of the withdrawn certificate(s) (in case of splitting).