Summary yearly report Energy for Transport 2020
Companies that supply fuels for the Dutch transport market have an obligation to deliver an annually increasing share of renewable energy, rising to 16.4% in 2020. These companies also need to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of their delivered fuels with 6% in 2020. The NEa publishes an annual report on the progress of these two obligations on a national level.
Used feedstocks for the production of biofuels in 2020
The vast majority of biofuels is produced waste: a share of 79% in 2020, with used cooking oil taking the main stage. In order to reach the targets, biofuels are allowed to be counted double. Besides waste, biofuels are also produced from maize and wheat crops. * This graph does not take double-counting into account.
Use of conventional, advanced and other biofuels 2015-2020
As of 2018 additional goals have been set for the delivery of advanced biofuels. Advanced biofuels are made from specific waste and residue streams (other than used cooking oil and animal fat) which are listed in annex IX of the Renewable energy directive. Following the introduction of this additional goal, the use of advanced biofuels has increased significantly from 0.1% in 2017 to 0.8% in 2018, 1.9% in 2019 and 2.6% in 2020. This is over 2.5 times more than the target of 1.0% for 2020. This increase may possibly be caused by stimulating the use of waste based biofuels. The Netherlands is one of the forerunners in Europe when it comes to the use of waste based biofuels. The share of conventional bio fuels in petrol and diesel supply has seen an increase of 1.2% in 2019 to 1.7% in 2020. This percentage of conventional biofuels stays well within the limit of 5% as set by the RED. The increase is most likely caused by the fact that, for the first time, the E10 obligation was in effect for the full calendar year (2020). Bioethanol used for this purpose is mostly produced from crops. Although it’s been observed in recent years that bioethanol is produced from waste and residues more and more often. 19% of biofuels was produced from crops in 2020, primarily maize and wheat. Oilseed crop use was limited, and only concerns the use of rapeseed. In accordance with the Climate Agreement, no biofuels produced from palm oil and soy was used for transport in The Netherlands.
Greenhouse gas emission reduction trends in The Netherlands 2011-2020
In 2020, a large share of the renewable energy originated from the sustainable biofuel supply to maritime shipping. These supplies have a great impact on the numbers reported to Europe. Fuel suppliers are allowed to include the maritime shipping supply when meeting their (Dutch) annual obligations. It is, however, not included for the European target to reach 10% use of renewable energy and a 6% decrease of CO2. This does not take into account the decrease in emissions, and a greener maritime shipping industry, thanks to the use of sustainable biofuels. * Setting aside maritime shipping, the share of renewable energy in Dutch transport still amounts to 11.7%, still above the 10% set by the RED. Maritime shipping has no impact on the sub-target for advanced biofuels and the limit on conventional biofuels. These targets are met by a large margin. * The FQD-report on attained emission decrease also does not take maritime shipping into account, resulting in a reduction of just under the 6% obliged. Including maritime shipping would result in a CO2 reduction of around 7%.
Contribution of the achieved CO2-emission reduction of transport fuels in 2020
The use of renewable energy in the transport sector contributes significantly to the reduction of CO2 emissions of transport fuels. This is the result of the significantly lower CO2 emissions of renewable energy compared to fossil fuels. In addition to the renewable energy sources, “better fossil fuels” also contribute to the reduction of the average CO2-emission of transport fuels. Better fossil fuels are: LNG, CNG and LPG. Bio fuels contribute the most to CO2 reduction by a large margin, because it’s used most often. Especially bioethanol, bio gas, and electricity contribute greatly to the achieved reduction in 2020, when compared to 2019. The contribution of HVE and FAME decreased. The bioethanol is likely caused by the E10 obligation, which was in effect for all 2020 for the first time. The HVE growth in 2019 was undone in 2020, because cheaper shipping options to maritime shipping were used. * This graph does not take double-counting into account.
Top 10 countries of origin of feedstocks for biofuels
The feedstocks of biofuels used in The Netherlands in 2020 originate from 85 countries. 10 countries account for around 73% of the total feedstock volume, mainly European and Asian countries. Roughly the same amount of feedstocks originate from Asia (42%) and Europe (43%). The shares of Malaysia and Germany have grown in the top 5 countries, while the shares of China, The Netherlands and the United states have decreased. * This graph does not take double-counting into account.
Less than 10% of the biofuels used on Dutch transport are produced from feedstocks originating here. All feedstocks from The Netherlands is waste-based; Dutch crops were not used. Germany and The Netherlands have the largest shares within Europe: 8.5% and 6.3% respectively.
The largest share of feedstocks for biofuels used for Dutch transport originates from China. This consists nearly completely of used cooking oil (99%).
Other countries
In 2020, the category “Overige” (Others) consists of 75 countries, accounting for 26.7% of the feedstock volume.
Renewable energy for Dutch transport
Translation of keywords in this figure: Grondstoffen uit afvalstromen = Waste based feedstocks: Gebruikt frituurvet = used cooking oil / Dierlijk vet = animal fat / Laagwaardige zetmeeslurrie = waste starch slurry / Afvalwater van palmoliemolen = palm oil mill effluent / Voedselafval = food waste / Tallolie = talloil / Stedelijk afval = urban waste streams / Gebruikte bleekaarde = spent bleaching earth / Overig - afval = other waste streams / Grondstoffen uit gewassen = Crop based feedstocks: Mais = corn / Tarwe = wheat / Suikerbiet = sugar beet / Gerst = barley / Suikerriet = sugar cane / Zonnebloem = sun flower / Overig – gewassen = other crops
Translation of keywords in this figure: Conventioneel = conventional / Overige = other / Geavanceerd = advanced
Translation of keywords in this figure: Gerealiseerd = achieved / Referentiewaarden = reference value