Surrendering allowances

By 30 September of each year, all companies participating in the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) must surrender a quantity of EUAs equivalent to their greenhouse gas emissions. By surrendering allowances, the participants compensate for their emissions from the previous year, concluding that year.

Allowances to be surrendered

The CO2 Registry states how many allowances must be surrendered, based on the emissions data that has been entered and confirmed by the verifier. Each allowance represents 1 tonne of greenhouse gas emissions.

Regulations for surrendering allowances

Allowances may only be surrendered from an operator holding account (OHA). An account representative must enter the transaction, to be approved by an approver. If there is no approver linked to the account, a second account representative must approve the transaction.


Detailed instructions on how to surrender allowances can be found in the CO2 Registry user guide, available from the registry portal. Registry users will have received the link to the portal from the NEa via e-mail.