NEa publishes report: 'Progress on Emissions Trading 2015’
The Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) has today published a report entitled ‘Progress on Emissions Trading 2015’. This report analyses the CO2 emissions data of the Dutch companies which participate in the European emissions trading system (EU ETS). The report is available in Dutch.
Slight increase in CO2 emissions of Dutch ETS companies
Amongst other things, the report reveals that the 450 Dutch companies which participate in the EU ETS emitted a total of 89 million tonnes of CO2 in 2014. That is 2.1 million tonnes (2.4%) more than in 2013. This increase results from a change in the fuel mix, in the electricity sector in particular. In 2014, power stations used more coal and less natural gas as a fuel.
Sharp fall in allocation of free allowances
The report also indicates that the allocation of free allowances has fallen sharply. Compared with Phase II of the EU ETS (2008-2012), in 2014 Dutch companies received around 45% fewer free allowances. The number of free allowances issued to companies annually will decrease still further in Phase III (2013-2020). In 2020, Dutch companies will receive around 17% fewer free allowances than in 2013.
Fewer allowances auctioned, auction price increases
As a result of the European backloading measure, fewer allowances were auctioned in 2014. Due in part to the smaller number of allowances auctioned, the auction price increased significantly. Consequently, the revenue for the Dutch treasury remained virtually the same.
Provisional national emissions figure for 2014
For the provisional national emissions figure for 2014 and more information on the CO2 emissions of non-ETS sectors, see the websites of the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Environmental Data Compendium.