30-09-2024 | 15:50
Shipping companies, if they meet the necessary monitoring and reporting requirements, can claim a zero-rating of CO2 emissions ...
17-07-2024 | 16:13
The deadline for submitting verified monitoring plans was set for April 1, 2024, but proved to be unfeasible for many companies.
22-04-2024 | 14:31
On April 15th, we sent out our latest newsletter on EU ETS Maritime to, among others, contacts registered in TETHIS-MRV. Topics ...
20-10-2023 | 13:50
The Customs Administration of the Netherlands notifies more than 12,000 importers about the start of the transitional phase of ...
06-07-2021 | 08:57
Until today, the most registry users use a method based on GSM/SMS for authentication and transaction signing by receiving SMS ...
01-09-2020 | 13:34
01-09-2020, 1:30 PM The technical issues have been solved. All Kyoto transactions are being processed again.
17-06-2020 | 11:35
The responsible department, i.e. the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, has put in place an additional risk ...
28-02-2019 | 10:08
The yearly allocation of emission allowances took place during the night of 25 to 26 February 2019. The 361 Dutch installations ...
26-02-2018 | 12:00
The 370 Dutch installations which are covered by the EU ETS and which have received a free allocation, will receive their 2018 ...
08-01-2018 | 14:05
As of 2018 the Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) will increase the annual fee for a voluntary account in the Dutch part of the CO2 ...
23-02-2017 | 09:29
On 24 February 2017, 372 Dutch installations which are covered by the EU ETS will receive their allowances. In total ...
06-02-2017 | 11:54
The Commission has published the outline of its proposal for the EU Emissions Trading System for aviation (EU ETS) during the ...
25-02-2016 | 09:28
The 374 Dutch installations which are covered by the EU ETS and which have received a free allocation, will receive their 2016 ...
05-01-2016 | 09:31
On December 22 2015 the European Commission launched a consultation on the functioning of EU emission allowance auctions. The ...
16-10-2015 | 13:12
Today the Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) will publish a series of infographics showing how the European Emissions Trading System ...
01-09-2015 | 17:08
The Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) has today published a report entitled ‘Progress on Emissions Trading 2015’. This report ...
23-06-2015 | 00:00
On 23 June 2015 the Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) has published the report ‘A simple and effective EU ETS’. Simultaneously with ...
20-05-2015 | 16:28
Yesterday afternoon, during the NEa Renewable Energy and Fuels networking event, the Energy for Transport Registry was launched. ...