NEa approaches companies to remind them of their obligations

The deadline for submitting verified monitoring plans was set for April 1, 2024, but proved to be unfeasible for many companies.

For this reason, the NEa has communicated that no enforcement measures would be taken against companies that submitted their verified monitoring plans before June 1, 2024. Many companies have taken advantage of this opportunity.

At the same time, there are still companies that have not yet submitted their verified monitoring plans. In the context of enforcement, the NEa has approached these companies to remind them of their obligations under Regulation 2015/757 (MRV). The NEa has asked these companies to contact the NEa and submit their verified monitoring plans as quickly as possible. Where appropriate, the NEa also reminded companies to open a Maritime Operator Holding Account (MOHA) in the Union Registry as soon as possible.

Submitting verified monitoring plans sits at the core of the EU ETS system and the NEa can take formal enforcement measures against companies that do not comply with this requirement.

In the coming months, the NEa will review the verified monitoring plans that were submitted. In the event of ambiguities or information is missing, the NEa will return the verified monitoring plans to the company for adjustments, after which they need to be sent back to the NEa. When the verified monitoring plans are approved, NEa will send a formal approval decision letter to the shipping company and approve the monitoring plan in THETIS MRV.

Image: ©NEa