Increase annual fee voluntary accounts
As of 2018 the Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) will increase the annual fee for a voluntary account in the Dutch part of the CO2 Registry to € 400 per account. The person holding account, trading account and Kyoto account are voluntary accounts. An (aircraft) operator holding account, that is used by companies and aircraft operators for compliance purposes, remains free of charge.
Increased work activities
The increased cost are caused by stricter requirements that have been implemented by the European Commission to ensure the security of the Registry. Since several years stricter rules are being applied to the opening and closure of accounts. In addition, the mandatory three yearly review of account holders has been implemented in 2012. As a result, the activities of the NEa for maintaining accounts have increased significantly in recent years, to such extent that the current fee is not cost covering anymore. Therefore, the decision has been made to increase the annual fee for voluntary accounts. Further information about this Decision can be found here.
Possibility to close accounts
The possibility remains to close accounts that are no longer necessary. In order to close an account, a closure request should be submitted to the NEa by January 31th of 2018 at the latest. In such case, the NEa will get in contact with the account representatives within one month after receiving the closure request. The account will be closed in the first quarter of 2018 and no fee will be charged for 2018.